Individual Registration

Frequently Asked Questions


What aged players are appropriate for this program?

Boys and Girls ages 9u - 14u.


What time of the year does this program run?

April - July


Where are games typically held?

Rec will play at Arnold, Antonia, and Northwest Athletic.


Uniforms are not included at this age level. Your team will notify you of uniforms and how to obtain them as a team.


What cost should I expect?

You will not be charged until we find your child a team. If your child is placed on a house team, it will be $145. If you are placed and accept a club team, you will pay their fees.

Additional Fees

Your team may require extra fees outside of registration. These fees are to pay for equipment for the team, any tournaments, etc...many times they will do some fundraising to ease the financials.

Baseball /Softball Individual

Individuals who don't have a team and wish to be placed in the pool of players when teams are created.  You will not be charged until we find you a team. 

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